The end game after keyhole gastric sleeve surgery, is to eat a healthy balanced diet. This is a long term plan that is achieved by making healthy dietary choices. After gastric sleeve surgery the individuals will have a normal diet and be able to eat all types of food, allowing them to lead a normal life. The main difference is that people will be eating a smaller portion at each meal.
The progression to eating a normal diet after surgery, is made over 3 stages.
Stage 1: 1 – 4 weeks. Immediately after surgery you will start off on a fluid diet. During this time you can drink any type of fluid and it is important to maintain your hydration by drinking plenty of eater. Liquid nutritional protein drinks are important and the aim is to have a minimum of 80 grams of protein a day.
Stage 2: 4 – 6 weeks. During this time you will progress onto a pureed diet and blend the food you eat, so that it is gooey in consistency. The idea is to have 3 of these meals a day with no snacking or grazing in between. Again it is important to maintain hydration and to drink plenty of water.
Stage 3: 6 – 8 weeks. During this stage you will start to try a normal diet with solid food. You will experiment with the types of food you prefer and aim for three balanced meals a day. You will be able to eat all types of vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and poultry. It is still important to remain well hydrated.
By the end of these 3 stages, you will be eating normally and the intention is to have 3 meals a day. Each meal portion will be small. It is important to take time with each meal and allow at least 20 – 30 minutes to complete a meal. It is important not to eat and drink at the same time, fluids should be taken 30 minutes after the meal. To maintain long term weight goals, it is important to avoid foods high in sugar, fat and carbohydrate, but eat a high protein high fibre diet. It is ideal to not snack or graze in between meals. This will allow you to reach your intended weight goals. We recommend that all individuals after keyhole sleeve gastrectomy continue with a vitamin supplement long term.